Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Busy week!

This has been a busy week! Family came to our house for Thanksgiving dinner and that was very special. Lots of food and conversation, not to mention playing with our 2 month old grandbaby. Something so special about having a baby in the home - holding her, singing to her, playing baby toys with her and watching her give me that baby smile that says: I love you Grandma!
The book signing at Barnes and Noble went really well and the local TV station showed up, much to my surprise, to film some of it for the evening news! This weekend the Wyoming Tribune Eagle featured a story/picture of myself and my book in the Sunday paper. The reporter came to my home and interviewed me in a very relaxed, conversational way and I feel did a great job of writing the story. The photographer came two days later and took a number of photos of myself holding the book. He was very professional and yet took all the time he needed to get just the shot that would depict the story. The response from the publicity has been heartwarming and people are buying the book for themselves as well as for gifts for that someone special they feel will just love my book.
I am very thankful for the people in my life and the path that God has chosen for me to follow.
I can't imagine my life without God in it as He is my Life, my Truth and my Way!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Book signing at Barnes and Noble

Today, Saturday, November 20th, I will be signing my book at Barnes and Noble at 1:00 p.m. I have been looking forward to this opportunity to be able to talk with readers about my book and answer any questions they may have. I very much appreciate Linda at the store for setting the signing up and her willingness to do it. Tomorrow, Sunday, I will be signing my book at St. Mary's Cathedral after all the morning Masses. After this weekend I will take a break and enjoy my new grandbaby who is coming to visit for a week. My husband and I are hosting Thanksgiving at our home this year, so need some time to prepare for eighteen of us. I look forward to having family come and give thanks together for all of God's goodness and love. We all are so blessed and have more than we ever need. We live in a country that gave thanks to God in its formation and I am thankful that we still have a day set aside to do what the pilgrims did so many years ago. I am thankful for our forefathers that drew up the Declaration of Independence and for our Constitution. May we never take it for granted, but continue to thank and praise our Lord for being able to live in the land of the free! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

JAX Author's Day

Had a great day yesterday at JAX in Ft. Collins, Co. There were one hundred area authors signing their books. Jax has two stores, so the authors were divided between the stores. It was fun to go around and meet other authors and see what they had to offer. The Lord answered our prayers and the roads were clear both going and coming home. It snowed after we got home! Next Saturday the 21st at 1 p.m. I will be at Barnes and Noble here in Cheyenne signing my new book. This is a busy time for me and I am enjoying it. Books make a great Christmas gift and many people look for just the right book to give to a loved one. New authors are eager to get their book out there and into the hands of someone that will really love it and tell others about it. So if you have recently been given a new book or purchased one of a new author and you are really happy with it, please tell someone else about it. Or better yet, purchase one as a gift for that special person you know would love it too.

Monday, November 8, 2010


My husband and I journeyed to Laramie on Saturday for the Hastings book signing. First we went to my sister's home to celebrate her birthday and then on to see if anyone would show up and buy my book. I was pleasantly surprised! It was a fun two hours and I enjoyed talking to everyone that stopped by the table. I signed twelve books and was given great praise from the book store for selling that many! (I had no idea what to expect) They invited me to come back in January. My granddaughter. who is going to school at the University, came with cookies and her encouragement and support for the signing. All in all it was a warm, beautiful day and I was most happy to see "Living Waters" go home with such nice friendly people. Life is full of surprises and after staying home to raise a large family, God has blessed me beyond measure with this new journey in life. His love is beyond anything we can ever imagine and as we follow him we get a glimpse of it pouring out to us.