Thursday, September 12, 2013


I have lived in Wyoming for sixty eight years and I never remember a week of constant rain like we have had this past week.  Many people prayed for rain this summer when it was so hot and dry and now it appears we may have to invoke the Lord to stop the rain.  I am not a Meteorologist, so I don't understand why our area is being deluged right now with so much rain and our neighbors in Colorado are experiencing flooding. I do wonder what it was like in the days of Noah living in a dessert  and he was building an Ark to prepare for the great flood.  He must have been called crazy by many, but he just kept building it anyway and obeyed God so that his family and animals would be saved.  When a flood comes, oftentimes lives are lost and great destruction takes place and one may wonder why did God allow this to happen?  I don't have any answers to that question, but I do believe it is a time to turn to God in our great need and allow him to help us just as he did Noah and his family.  I guess the bigger question is: Do you turn to God daily and spend time with him in prayer?  Or do you wait until something devastating happens and then cry out to God to save you?  Hopefully, you are developing a relationship with His Son Jesus and know Him personally.  During my prayer time with Jesus I began to write down what I felt he was speaking to me in my heart and thus my book "Living Waters: Writings from the Heart of a Christian" came about.  My second book, "Living Waters Volume II; A Message of Hope," gives you an inside view of my conversations with Jesus.  If you are struggling with your prayer life, I believe either one of my books will help you.  Don't put off praying until you are desperate but know that God loves you and desires to have a relationship with you, so come to Him now and don't wait until a flood comes and you are hanging on with all of your life.  Reach out and He will throw you a life line and bring you to dry land.