Tomorrow is Mothers Day and I am happy to be able to go to my granddaughter's home to enjoy a brunch with my family that lives here. Being a mother has been a privilege that I enjoy. I loved the years when my children all lived at home and I could nurture, raise and be with them. One hears often "Enjoy these years when your children are young because they go all too fast!" How true it was! I have had the joy of watching my children become parents and raising them to be good people. In March I became a great grandmother for the first time. All of these events hit home how fast life goes by. My mother passed away January 1990 and at times I long to be with her and just sit and visit. She was a good mother and tomorrow I will honor her in a special way on Mothers Day. She raised seven children and worked hard on the farm where I was raised. Her cooking was 'par excellant' and I think of her whenever I cook some of her dishes that I loved. She took us to Sunday School and Church every Sunday and I'm thankful for the spirituality that she passed on to me. She taught me how to work until the chore was finished and to not be lazy. My clothes were made by her hands and I in turn learned to sew. I owe a great debt of gratitude to her for the way she raised me for I am the person I am today because of her. So I begin this day honoring my mother, Viola Strecker and thank God for choosing her to bring me to this earth.