My youngest sister, Janice passed away on New Year's Day. She was seventy one years old.She had a series of strokes two and a half years ago and never regained the use of her left side. Therapy never seemed to help and she ended up in a nursing home unable to do anything for herself. She was in a great deal of pain, but never complained. The week of Christmas she was admitted to the hospital and treated for what they thought was a bladder infection, sent home and had to return to the hospital the next morning. The doctor then ran a series of test and discovered she had stage four cancer. She lived a week. I was able to call her several times in the hospital and tell her I loved her and was praying for her. She could barely say hello and a yes. I'm thankful I could talk to her. While in the nursing home, we talked on the telephone almost daily and if she forgot to tell me something she would call me right back. It was a blessing she could talk and had a sharp mind after the strokes. She was always positive about life and corrected me if I said anything negative. We would reminisce about our childhood, events in our lives, family, and then we often ended by praying on the phone for each other or whatever concerns we had for others. I know she would hang up and continue in prayer for me and my families needs. She was a successful business woman and also tended to her many properties. She led a busy life and loved every minute of it. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior in her early twenties and lived her faith with vibrancy and enthusiasm. Often leading people to the Lord and praying with them. I already miss her laughter, her encouragement, her loving concern and talking to her on the phone. I flew out to see her three different times while in the nursing home and these are treasured memories. I know someday we will see each other again and right now she is enjoying her reunion with our parents, brother Fred and sister Jane. Farewell to the best sister anyone could ever have.