Saturday, November 5, 2011

Snowy Scene reminds me of love

As I looked out our patio door this past week I beheld a winter wonderland! For some reason it reminded me of a scene in the movie Dr. Zhivago. I haven't viewed that movie in many years but the snowy, cold scenes have never left my memory. As the sun sparkled from the snowy, glittering trees, I was remembering how very much God loves us and the many ways he shows that love in the outdoor scenery we view and that is why the movie came to my mind. Russia was in the midst of great turmoil and upheaval , yet love still permeated among the people and especially with young Doctor Zhvargo and his wife. We are going through times of turmoil in our own country and it is felt strongly by many who are out of work. We all experience the price increases when we go to the grocery store and when we put gas in our vehicles. Yet Godly love doesn't change and it is always there for us to warm our hearts and help us through these difficult times. So as I gazed out my door that snowy morning, I thought of love (not shoveling snow or the other things connected with a snow storm ) for God's ray of sunshine was sparkling on the trees and I knew it also sparkles in my soul and yours!
The first chapter of my book "Living Waters: Writings from the Heart of a Christian" is titled love and gives an indepth view of God's love for us. The following is an excerpt from one of the messages in Chapter I. "My child, you are my precious dear one. My love for you is everlasting and endearing. I long to show my love to you in many ways. Open your hands and your heart and receive what I have for you. It pleases me to see you delight in my love, to bathe in it as a person bathes in the morning sunlight. Take my love and share it with those you hold close to you."

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