Friday, October 5, 2012

Pray for the election

I watched the Presidential debate this week, along with millions of other Americans and am now convinced more than ever that I need to pray harder then ever for our country.  I am praying that truth will prevail and that the evil darts of the enemy will not be allowed to be part of the next debate.  I believe that America is still in God's heart and that he desires the very best for all of us, so we need to do our part and pray for God's choice to be elected.  A Godly President will lead the American people back to being a moral nation that follows God and his laws.  An ungodly President will divide and lead the people into diversity and immorality. Thus, it is so very important that all who are called by God's name cry out, full-throated and with repentance on their lips and in their heart for God's choice to serve the next four years.    Good things happen when Godly people pray with a sincere heart and pray for our country to become a Godly nation.  We cannot afford to sit idly by and let our country be taken over by foreign gods.  We can learn a lesson from scripture where God's people were led into debauchery and evil and then had to wander in the wilderness for forty years.  Let us come before the throne of grace pleading for mercy for our country and the Lord will hear our prayers and heal our land.

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