Sunday, December 8, 2013

I am sure we are all shivering at certain times during this latest cold spell.  I woke up early this morning and after being up only a minute decided to crawl back into my warm bed. The electric blanket was still on and it felt so nice and toasty.  I don’t know if it is an old wives tale, but I used to hear that a really good cold spell kills all of the germs that are in the air.  I certainly hope so, because I have had two colds already and winter isn’t even officially here.  My husband and I went to Laramie on Friday to attend our grandson’s graduation and it was bitter cold there.  However, seeing Craig graduate warmed our hearts and the tears welled up in our eyes as we watched him walk across the stage and stretch out his hand to receive his diploma. This is a beautiful milestone in his life and a proud moment for all of his family.  I always feel so very grateful when someone from my family accomplishes a goal they have set out to do and getting a good education is one goal that I am especially happy about.  Raising six children has afforded me many opportunities to attend graduation ceremonies and so far I have attended all of them from High School, College, Master Degrees, and Doctor Degrees.  I’ve been to six grandchildren’s high school graduations and four college graduations and have two grandchildren that will graduate from college in the next few years.  I have four little grandchildren ages 3-7 and am hopeful I can attend theirs as well.  All in all that is a lot of speeches to hear and tears to shed, but seeing them all reach their goal is a proud moment that is etched in my memory.  So, back to the minus degree temperatures we have been having, it was worth the time and effort it took to trek over the hill to attend one more beautiful celebration and to be there to give a big hug to my smiling grandso

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