Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pray for God's Mercy

The latest news about harvesting and selling aborted baby parts is almost unbelievable! Yet, when it comes to money,  breaking the law doesn't always go into the equation. I've heard and read how these video tapes are being debunked as edited, yet what comes out of the mouth is hard to prove as a falsehood.  What has happened to our great land?  The land of the brave, the land of the free? Babies do not have the constitutional rights that we enjoy.  They have to fight for their lives before birth because they aren't considered humans until the moment they enter this world  Yet their body parts are considered of worth and useful. Go figure!  What is wrong is now right,  as foretold in scripture.  How can we criticize other countries and call them barbaric when we are doing barbaric things also?  Are you appalled when reading scripture how King Herod decreed that all babies under the age of two should be killed in the hopes that he would kill Jesus?  Are you appalled when you read about China killing babies after they are born so that parents only raise one child which is usually a boy?  Also, often if a woman is found to be pregnant with her second or third child she is forced to submit to an abortion.  I ask myself, where are we headed as a nation?  Are we a moral country?  Will God's wrath come upon us because of our disregard for human life?  We reap what we sow and when it is harvest time what will our country sow?  When Saint Theresa of Calcutta visited the United States she had pity for us because of our disregard for human life and said she would pray for us.  I think we should all pray for God's mercy and begin to speak out against the things we know in our heart is wrong!

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