Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My book is printed!

My book is printed and I received my first shipment today! Now I can begin some pre-sales before the official public release date of October 5th. I will be setting up book signings and letting everyone I know that the book is now available. You can find it on line by typing in my name dorothylansing on Google. Or you can go directly to Tate Publishing.Com The Audio is available at Audible Books by Amazon and you can listen to a sample. It is also available as an e-book. If you purchase the book there is a free download of the audio book. My husband Ray did a great job narrating the book. Hope you check it out and thank you so much if you read or listen to it! My publisher, Tate Publishing, did a fabulous job and they were superb to work with!

Monday, July 5, 2010

The book is finished and ready for printing! The audio book has been recorded and will be distributed when the book comes out. As I reflect back, all of this involved time and a willingness to keep on schedule. The Lord God has a perfect time for everything and I am full of gratitude for all of the open doors for this all to come about. I am most pleased how it all has turned out and excited to have it read and listened to. Thank you for reading my posts!