Monday, May 23, 2011

Coming together

This is the beginning of the wedding season for many and it is so fun to watch and listen to all of the activity that happens before the actual wedding day. I have two grandchildren getting married this summer so this is an exciting time for our family. Early planning began last summer and now they can just relax and enjoy all the pre-wedding activites. It is so wonderful for families to get together and enjoy being together. As gas prices continue to climb, the expenses of coming together is getting very pricy so it may be longer between visits. That makes me appreciate the sacrifice, time and energy it takes young families to travel to come home just to visit or for a special occasion like a wedding. I appreciate my family and I am so thankful for each one. I pray everyone reading my blog will be able to visit their family sometime this year and if you can't please call them more often and enjoy hearing their voice and just enjoy visiting with them. The following is a quote from my book, Living Waters: "Do not let the enemy of your soul entice you to think on the negative, but embrace the positive." I look forward to our family reunion this summer!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Last evening we shared a meal with friends! The food was good and the sharing of our lives in conversation was even better. Jesus shared a meal often in scriptures and of course the greatest meal was the Last Supper, which we all can partake of today. I love to cook and then enjoy the results with others. Tonight some family members are coming by for leftovers as I cooked way too much for the dinner party the night before. It really won't matter that the food was cooked the day before, but what matters is that we will be together and sharing what is going on in our lives. I hope you take time to have friends or family come to your home for a meal and enjoy a delightful time together. After Jesus died and rose from the dead he cooked fish over an open fire on the shore for the disciples as they came ashore with their net full of fish. (John 21:9) He not only fed his disciples then, but he still feeds us today. We can read the Bible and be fed and we can receive Him in Holy Communion. We can listen to Him in prayer and be fed with what He speaks to us in the silence of our heart. My book "Living Waters: Writings from the Heart of a Christian" is all about Jesus speaking to my heart and feeding me Living Waters.

Monday, May 2, 2011


The sun is shining and it is lightly snowing! Guess I am ready for some warm Spring weather, but in Wyoming, Spring doesn't come easily and sometimes not at all. I have learned over the years not to put out the summer plants until after Memorial Day because they might freeze. Oh well, our summers in Cheyenne are worth giving up a warm Spring. I love the fact we don't have extreme heat and we have mostly pleasant summer days. So much sadness and devastation being experienced in the South right now that I need to be more thankful for the weather we are having. May God comfort and bless all who have lost loved ones in the tornadoes and may our country rally around and help the suffering and hurting that were affected by them. Perhaps we should all say a special prayer of thanks right now for the home we are living in, the food we have on hand for our next meal and that we and our family is safe. Thank you Lord Jesus for keeping us safe and in your care right now. Please help all of those that are without a home because of severe weather and are worried, afraid and not sure what they will do next. Help us all to reach out with a helping hand to someone in need.