Tuesday, June 19, 2012

In the eyes of a four year old!

Life is amazing when viewed through the eyes of a four year old.  Going for a walk yesterday with dog and leash in tow, along with my four year old grandson,  I had a glimpse of what it is like to be four years old.  The rocks on the side of the road had new meaning and the fallen pine cones quickly became a soccer ball to be kicked as we trudged along.  Conversation was limited, but meant something when he spoke to me or answered my many questions.  I saw birds and squirrels that I usually don't notice when walking because they were now being pointed out to me.  I also realized you can just plunk down on the sidewalk and take a rest until you are ready to finish the walk.  I so enjoyed this outing and placed it in my memory bank of good experiences to be recalled when the winter snows are here and I am missing my dear one who was only here for a short vacation.  God is good and gives us these precious times to enjoy one another even though distance separates us for most of the year.  I also recall how very quickly the years flew by when raising my beautiful family.  We are here for only a season and then called home to be with the Lord and this season of life can be viewed in much the same vein as raising a family.  It all goes by in a blink of an eye!  Are you ready to meet the Lord? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Please do not delay in making this decision,  for we know not the hour when our time is up.  My book: Living Waters: Writings from the Heart of a Christian" has an insightful chapter on Eternity and will help you realize what God has prepared for those who love Him.